International Conference on Permafrost

The Canadian Permafrost Association (CPA) will host the 12th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP) in Whitehorse, Yukon titled “Integrating Perspectives of Permafrost Thaw, Change and Adaptation” from 16-20th June 2024.

Rapid changes in permafrost due to climate warming are damaging infrastructure and causing changes to the land and water that impact Traditional activities and the well-being of northern Indigenous communities. The CPA recognizes that the Indigenous peoples of the Canadian North have nurtured a deep understanding of permafrost dynamics rooted in their ancestral connections to the land. The CPA understands that Traditional Knowledge and lived experiences offer indispensable insights into permafrost, and these contributions are essential and deeply valued within the Canadian Permafrost Association’s research communities.

Free Virtual Conference Registration

The CPA brings people together to advance the understanding of permafrost and is honoured to offer free virtual registration to members and employees of Indigenous Governments, Organizations, and Communities to listen to the many conference presentations. People interested in the Free Registration – International Conference on Permafrost, 16-20 June 2024, are asked to contact the CPA treasurer, who will assist with the registration.

The hybrid event allows written messages to be sent to presenters, and there are opportunities to join online discussions with other virtual participants from around the world. Unfortunately, virtual conference participants are not able to speak to the presenters who are at the in-person conference. The recorded presentations will be available online a few weeks after the conference, to those who have registered.

Illustrated Dictionary of Permafrost

The CPA is also pleased to forward you the new Illustrated Dictionary of Permafrost, which may be helpful when working with researchers and consultants on permafrost-related projects. If it inspires you to make your own regional dictionary of permafrost, please contact us.

The CPA welcomes involvement from any person or organization interested in permafrost, and we are particularly interested in increasing Indigenous perspectives in our membership. Becoming a member will give you access to Canadian permafrost news updates and presentations, enable connections with others interested in permafrost, and help add your voice to discussions on permafrost issues in Canada. To ask a question, provide advice, or join the CPA, please contact

The CPA hopes to continue developing its collaborations with Indigenous communities affected by permafrost and is open to suggestions for improvements as it continues its journey in that direction. Together, let us forge a path forward that honours Indigenous wisdom and fosters collaboration toward sustainable solutions.

More information

Conference Schedules

Andrew Robulack

Wildly confused about everything


Video: “I Just Wanna Be”